Electromagnetic Spectrum Information
Roll your mouse over each of the members of the electromagnetic spectrum and find out how they are detected and used.
Use this downloadable sheet to record your research. Research sheet
Mass and acceleration
Here is a movie showing how an increase in mass of an object can affect the object`s acceleration.
From the above famous equation you can see that an increase in the mass, m, will reduce the acceleration provided the unbalanced force remains the same.
This is why your car will have a smaller acceleration when it is full of passengers than it would have when empty.
Story of the Atom.
Here is a little podcast you can download to find out about the story of the atom.
The amazing discoveries and investigations that lead to our knowledge of the atom.
Listen to the story here
S3 Collaborative Project on Electromagnetic Radiation and Health.
The Wave Equation
Hi Physics lovers!
Use the simulation above to find the frequency of the passing waves.
Press the UP Green arrow to start the wave motion. Pressing it again increases the wave speed while pressing the down arrow will reduce the speed.
If the waves run out just press the pause button and then the RESET button.
Make up a table with headings wavelength, frequency and speed and take some readings.
Check that wavelength multiplied by frequency is equal to the wave speed.
Use this table:
You can click on it and print it off.